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A workbook for churches in transition. From first awareness that something has to change, through a comprehensive discernment process, including how to “train the trainers” and prepare congregational leaders to shepherd the process, and straight on through to becoming a more missional and less attractional church. CLICK ON THE BOOK for more information about ordering.


Bringing together my years as a public school teacher, I serve as the lead consultant to churches, judicatories and other nonprofits interested in exploring a transformational journey that includes redefining their mission, vision, and calling. Through both in-person and virtual workshops in the areas of planning, leadership development, technology, improving communications and visioning practices, I bring a wealth of experience across various modalities to help improve your work situation.

Use the LINK BELOW or CLICK ON “CONSULTING” AT RIGHT to contact me for more information.


A member of the International Coaching Federation, private and individual coaching is available either directly from me or through our work with Firebird Spirit. Whether your “crossroads” are those related to learning and exploring, to your personal or professional life, or they’re tied in with your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual growth, ICF-trained coaches are prepared to accompany you on your journey. We all recognize that each person is naturally creative, resourceful and whole and an experienced coach will help you explore those parts of yourself.

CLICK ON COACHING @ THE CROSSROADS to contact me about coaching.
The first session is free.


My almost 40-years of as an ordained Minister of Word & Sacrament (Teaching Elder) in the Presbyterian Church (USA) has given me the privilege of being both a pastoral care giver and an administrator of sacraments, weddings and memorial services. Accompanying people as they walk on the sacred ground of life sometimes takes the form of developing and leading creative and meaningful worship, and sometimes sitting by a bedside late at night.

Since retiring from local parish ministry, my call to ministry has expanded to weekly online Firebird Worship. If you are “spiritual but not religious” or not finding a group that shares your open-mindedness in viewing ALL people as part of God (full STOP!), if you are THIRSTY for a positive message about a Universe that is good and loving — please consider joining our efforts to Connect in a Disconnected World.

CLICK ON THE LOGO AT RIGHT to learn more about how we are developing an online community of hope that is an EVOLVING WAY OF THE SPIRIT for the 21st century.


As the Executive Director of a fledgling nonprofit, chartered in New York State as a 501(c)3 charity, I know what it takes to engage in program start-up with limited funds where we live off our values more than our income. We invite you to consider joining us in the Firebird Movement to change the world – one heart at a time! Classes, worship, discussion groups, interviews, and more. Fall of 2024 is the launch time for our three-year expansion program to get the Firebird in flight. Come and check us out!

CLICK ON THE LOGO to check out the Firebird website.